
For the past several years, ABC Inc. has been providing Autism Services and Training Workshops for in-home tutors, parents, school personnel, paraprofessionals, etc. on such topics as:

  • Basic ABA Principles 

  • Standard Discrete Trials Training 

  • Generalization 

  • Data Collection and Analysis 

  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) 

  • Functional Analysis and the Hughes Bill 

Although we offer intensive workshops or in-services on any of the above topics on a per request basis, ABC will be providing an intensive 2-day workshop (6 hours per day) four times per year.

Applied Behavior Consultants, Inc. is now an approved provider by the BACB, and is offering the following courses for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Associate Behavior Analysts:

  • Early Intervention for Children with Autism
    A comprehensive and systematic program for addressing the skill deficits and behavior excesses prevalent in children diagnosed within the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
    This three-day workshop addresses the key components of this program as it relates to early behavioral intervention with this unique population. Topics covered include the functional analysis model, teaching techniques, operant theory, establishing operations and verbal theory, discrete trial techniques, data systems, generalization and maintenance, and the roles and responsibilities of treatment team members. Participants will have an opportunity to observe intervention techniques in an applied setting (ABC School) and to practice them with one another and the instructors.
    Audience: Beginning to intermediate

  • Recreating Environments to Accelerate Learning (R.E.A.L.)
    The focus of this workshop is to delineate the basis for discrete trials and whole/partial task lesson formats when teaching behavior for generalization in the natural environment.
    Participants will be trained in the procedures and techniques necessary to progress lessons within the trial phases of discrete trials training while systematically teaching the generalization of concepts and skills acquired. In addition, participants will be taught how to contrive structured and unstructured environments for the child to use mastered concepts/skills. A focus will be placed on how to bridge concepts/skills within natural learning environments that are more representative of the child's daily life.

    Audience: Intermediate to advanced


Applied Behavior Consultants, Inc.
4540 Harlin Drive
Sacramento, CA 95826


$250 per person - group discounts are given for parties of more than 5
5 to 9 participants - $225 per person
10 or more participants - $200 per person 

*There will be a minimum participant requirement for all CEU classes (30 participants per workshop)

For information regarding upcoming workshops, please contact Mari Ueda-Tao, Chief Clinical Officer.